Guidelines for Submissions
J.E.S. welcomes original manuscripts focusing on any dimension of dialogue or engagements within or among religious traditions. The editors prefer manuscripts of 15-35 pages (approximately 4000 to 9000 words) in length. Articles must not have been published elsewhere and should differ substantially from the author’s previous publications.
Please submit your article by clicking the blue “Submit via Scholastica” button below and follow the directions for quick and easy submission. If you have not already done so, you will be asked to create a Scholastica account. Authors must include four items: a cover letter, the manuscript, an abstract, and a current CV. Please do not submit a manuscript that is simultaneously under consideration by any other journal.
Formatting Requirements for Submission: 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced with 1" margins, and inclusion of footnotes formatted to the Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition. Please include an abstract in the manuscript text. Files must be submitted in Microsoft Word format (not in PDF). Click HERE for all of the formatting requirements. A cleanly formatted and edited manuscript will help to expedite the review process.
Don’t see the submit button? Click here.
Review Process
Once the manuscript is received, members of our editorial team will conduct an internal review guided by the questions in this rubric. The editors recommend that prospective authors review these guidelines prior to submission. If the article meets our evaluation criteria, it will be sent out for peer review by 2-3 outside reviewers, selected for their qualifications to provide varying perspectives on a given article. Excerpts of the reviewers’ comments will be passed on anonymously to the author, whether or not the article is accepted. The review process generally takes 4–12 weeks. The editors will correspond with the author of an accepted article regarding any requested revisions. Once a manuscript is accepted for publication and is copy-edited, we will require a biographical paragraph and a signed author contract. We prefer to include the author’s religious affiliation, if possible.
Style Guidelines
If your manuscript is accepted for publication, it will be edited to conform to the journal’s house style, which generally follows The Chicago Manual of Style, 18th edition. J.E.S. style guidelines can be found HERE. The Scholastica submission page provides more details regarding citations, the use of inclusive language, and the use of non-English text. Please review the journal's back issues for examples of these and other stylistic conventions.
Conference Papers vs. Journal Articles
The J.E.S. does not accept conference papers as is. Authors are invited to review this guide for tips and best practices for turning conference papers into academic articles.
All correspondence should be directed to:
David M. Krueger, Ph.D., Co-Editor
Benjamin E. Sax, Ph.D., Co-Editor