NAAE Announces Student Prize

The North American Academy of Ecumenists (NAAE), affiliated with the Journal of Ecumenical Studies, announces The 2016 Student Prize / The Brother Jeffrey Gros Memorial Fund for current undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in Christian unity.
APPLICATION: Describe (2 pages maximum) your academic studies, your involvement in the church and how you envision greater realization of Christian unity, including specific suggestions for unity which churches might employ. Email your text or attached file, in English or in French, to no later than June 15, 2016. Applicants will be notified of results by August 1, 2016.
PRIZE: The prize is valued at $500 each. The students selected will have their registration fee and accommodations paid entirely by the Academy, and part or all of their travel expenses to participate at the 2016 NAAE conference at Candler School of Theology, Decatur, Georgia, September 23-25, 2016. The theme of this year’s annual conference, is “Commemorating the Reformation: Churches Looking Together Toward 2017 – and Beyond.”
ABOUT THE ACADEMY: The NAAE groups together leading scholars and church leaders from colleges, universities and seminaries throughout North America. The Academy meets annually in September.