Dialogue Institute in Africa

William Cullinan, Dialogue Institute Board Member

William Cullinan, Dialogue Institute Board Member


William Cullinan, a Dialogue Institute Board Member, travels to Africa as an ambassador of interreligious dialogue. He has cultivated good relations with well-known and well-connected leaders in this work.  The Dialogue Institute collaborated with the University of Uyo and a professor in the Religion Department there to open a Dialogue Center in the spring of 2018. The Center is thriving and growing under leadership, trained in the DI principles.

 William C. will be giving a presentation on “religious pluralism” at the University as part of their ongoing program. William C. and his host have also met with official government leaders in Lagos where discussions are in place to do a dialogue training with local leaders of traditional practices at a grassroots level. The Office of the Governor of the State of Lagos has offered help with funding.


Mutomba Nkulu-N’Sengha is a former student of Prof. Len Swidler at Temple who is now teaching in California.  He spends his summers in the Congo where he has started rural schools for local students. Prof. Swidler has visited differing sites and seen just how many young people have advanced in their education due to these collaborations.

Dr. Effiong, from The Centre for Deep Dialogue and Critical Thinking, at the University of Uyo, Sandy Mayer, Consultant for Dialogue Institute, Prof. Len Swidler, Founder and President of Dialogue Institute/ Journal of Ecumenical Studies

Dr. Effiong, from The Centre for Deep Dialogue and Critical Thinking, at the University of Uyo, Sandy Mayer, Consultant for Dialogue Institute, Prof. Len Swidler, Founder and President of Dialogue Institute/ Journal of Ecumenical Studies

Tunisia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Cameroon

For three years, the Dialogue Institute has hosted scholars from each of the above countries.  These mid-career professors teach religious pluralism in their respective universities. Funded by the U. S. State Department, each is involved in influential interfaith dialogue activities in their universities and civic settings.  The Dialogue Institute is planning follow-up activities to support their work (guided by their local cultures).