Overcoming Orientalism

Book Review: Overcoming Orientalism - Essays In Honor of John L. Esposito

Book Review: Overcoming Orientalism: Essays in Honor of John L. Esposito

In a recent issue of the Journal of Ecumenical Studies (59.2), we published a review essay of  Overcoming Orientalism: Essays in Honor of John L. Esposito, edited by Tamara Sonn and published by Oxford University Press in 2021. The review essay, by Seth Ward (University of Wyoming, retired), can be read HERE.

John L. Esposito is a Distinguished University Professor and Founding Director of the Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding (ACMCU) and the Director of The Bridge Initiative at Georgetown University. He currently serves as a board member of the Dialogue Institute and Journal of Ecumenical Studies. He earned his PhD from Temple University’s Department of Religion and once served as president of the American Academy of Religion and Middle East Studies Association of North America. He has also been a member of the World Economic Forum’s Council of 100 Leaders and the E. C. European Network of Experts on De-Radicalisation, a Senior Scientist for The Gallup Center for Muslim Studies, and appointed by Kofi Annan to the UN Alliance of Civilizations member of the High-Level Group with Archbishop Tutu and others. He has served as a consultant to the U.S. Department of State and other agencies, European and Asian governments, corporations, universities, and media outlets worldwide.  Learn more about his illustrious career and the impact he has made in building bridges of understanding in this Lifetime Achievement Award video from ACMCU.


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