Dialogue Institute Kicks Off Virtual Programming
The Dialogue Institute partnered with Citizens Diplomacy International and the Stevens Institute to host a virtual “How to Succeed as an Innovator” program for undergraduate students. All participants were STEM students who had the ability to expand their understanding of social entrepreneurship, business models, and global networking through the “How to Succeed as an Innovator” programing. This program involved twenty undergraduates from Philadelphia, PA as well as twenty undergraduate students from all over Egypt.
The Dialogue institute facilitated four one hour facilitation sessions focused on bridging mutual understanding in participants. In these facilitations students learned about Dialogue Principles, intercultural dialogue, media literacy, bias and stereotypes. Citizens Diplomacy International hosted four innovation sessions with esteemed scientists such as Dr. Lina Axanova, Katrina Sotnik, Godfrey Nazareth, Dr. Stephan A. Grupp, and Dr. Paul Offit.
Over the course of one month, the forty students learned about one another, built trust and a community together. Participants were able to network viz zoom sessions in order to forge connections in their field. Participants were able to interact with guest speakers who have made scientific discoveries or who are leaders in social entrepreneurship as well as earn and practice respectful dialogue. Students left the program being able to identify and respond to bias and stereotypes; to hone critical thinking skills; to collaborate cross-culturally and critical thinking with experts at the Dialogue Institute.
“How to Succeed as an Innovator” was part of the Stevens Initiative COVID-19 rapid response grants; however, this endeavour gave the Dialogue Institute and Citizens Diplomacy International a chance to create virtual programming that can carry into 2021.The Dialogue Institute looks forward to continuing its partnership with Citizens Diplomacy International through upcoming programing.