SUSI Scholar Virtual Conference
The Dialogue Institute sponsors an ongoing network of scholars and activists concerned for religious freedom. With significant funding, even amidst the pandemic, from the Education and Cultural Affairs Division of the United States Department of State, the Dialogue Institute has been able to sustain efforts to support the alumni of its summer programs on Religious Pluralism and Democracy. Several ongoing activities were carried out in August and September.
The Dialogue Institute hosted an International Scholars Conference from August 17th to August 18th inviting all three SUSI Scholar chorts to attend. Additionally, the Dialogue Institute launched a series of blogs, podcasts, and a digital resource library inspired by the three SUSI Scholars Religious Freedom cohorts. Select scholars were also awarded mini- grants to carry out religious freedom projects in their home countries.
The SUSI Scholar Religious Freedom Conference in August brought together a network of scholars from three cohorts, across 35 different countries, from Mongolia to Argentina and from Finland to Cameroun. In this conference the network of scholars met to learn from and support one another in their teaching and civic engagement since leaving the United States. Select scholars presented eight papers with others responding to those papers. Some Scholars wrote for the Diablogue on the Dialogue Institute website sharing remembrances of what it was like to study in the Dialogue Institute’s summer program. These posts are short, engaging, and well worth the read!
Dialogue Institute staff interviewed select scholars to create podcasts on topics of common interest to the network of scholars and activists. You will be able to listen to these podcast episodes and read the interview transcripts on our Diablog page of our website as they are released over the next few months. Stay tuned for more updates on our SUSI Scholar follow-on projects.