New Steps in the "Cosmic Dance of Dialogue"

DI Executive Director, Rebecca Mays, introducing the conversation with (seated, from left): Paul Knitter, Leonard Swidler and Sr. Joan Chittister.

DI Executive Director, Rebecca Mays, introducing the conversation with (seated, from left): Paul Knitter, Leonard Swidler and Sr. Joan Chittister.

In celebration of 50 years and counting of ecumenical and interreligious scholarship and activism, more than 100 guests joined the Dialogue Institute (DI) and the Journal of Ecumenical Studies (J.E.S.) on April 24, 2015 for New Steps in the "Cosmic Dance of Dialogue."

Click here to see additional pictures
(images by James Graves Photo).
Click here to see the full video
(produced by Zachary Van Heel).

The event, held at Temple University in Philadelphia, featured an engaging and inspiring conversation on intra- and interfaith dialogue—past, present and future—with three prominent scholars/activists and old friends:
Sr. Joan Chittister, Paul Knitter, and Leonard Swidler (DI founder and co-founding editor of J.E.S.). DI Executive Director Rebecca Mays moderated the conversation. The conversation reflected the three major directions of the DI and J.E.S. going forward: interreligious/interfaith dialogue training; intra- and interreligious scholarship through the Journal; and global interfaith collaboration through the Dialogue Institutes Network.

Special thanks to Theodore Friend and Rebecca Mays for their generous support of the event.