Journal of Ecumenical Studies

Contents of Volume 54 (2018)

JES Volume 54-2, Spring Edition

North American Academy of Ecuminists Annual Conference

September 27-30, 2018, Arlington, Virginia


William P. McDonald

Space for the Other: Ecumenical Shared Ministries

Sandra Bearsdall, Mitzi J. Budde, and William P. McDonald

Living Unity: Ecumenical Shared Ministries- What Can Come from Living and Studying Together

Thomas Ryan


The Theology of Vocation in Teresa of Avila’s Reformed Convent through the Lens of “Two Very Wicked Heretics”

Alisa J. Tigchelaar

Why is Sunday Morning the Most Segregated Hour? A Sociopsychological Inquiry into the Barriers and Opportunities for Ecumenical Unity

Theo van Willigenburg

Toward a Christian Peacemaking Approach to Jerusalem

Julie Shumacher Cohen

Baha’i Contributions to Interfaith Relations

Christopher Buck

Explorations and Responses:

The “Golden Rule”: The “Best Rule”

Leonard Swidler