Journal of Ecumenical Studies
Contents of Volume 42 (2007)

Volume 42, Number 1 (Winter, 2007)

“Fundamentalism: Race, Truth, and Democracy in a Global World”

by John a. powell, Ming Shi Trammel, and Daniel Newhart 1

The Authors 5

Fundamentalisms and American Pluralism
by Paul Numrich 9

What Is Fundamentalism, and How Do We Get Rid of It?
by Mark LeVine 15

Jews and Fundamentalism
by Samuel Heilman 29

Religion, Welfare Politics, and Church-State Separation
by Daniel L. Chen and Jo Thori Lind 42

The God Strategy: The Rise of Religious Politics in America
by David Domke and Kevin M. Coe 53

Machiavelli Meets the Religious Right: Michael Ledeen, the Neoconservatives, and the Political Uses of Fundamentalism
by Hugh B. Urban 76

Gods: Toward a Contemporary Discourse on Religion and Democracy
by Osagyefo Uhuru Sekou 98

Volume 42, Number  (Spring, 2007)

Beyond Word and Sacrament: A Reformed Protestant Engagement of Guadalupan Devotion
by Rubén Rosario Rodrígues 173

Catholic Identity and Antisemitism in a Eulogy for Isabel “the Catholic”
by John M. McManamon 196

The Requirements and Challenges of Full Communion: A Multilateral Evaluation?
by Jeffrey Gros 217

The Santal Sacred Grove and Catholic Inculturation
by Selva J. Raj 243

Ecumenical Marriage as Leaven for Christian Unity
by Jason E. King 253

1054 Revisited
by Charles Frazee 263

Volume 42, Number 3 (Summer, 2007)

“A Global Ethic”

A Global Ethic: An Introduction
by Leonard Swidler 333  

The Authors 334

Toward a Universal Declaration of a Global Ethic
by Leonard Swidler 337

Enlightenment and Tradition: The Clash within Civilizations
by Samuel Fleischacker 351

In Search of a Morally Acceptable Nationalism
by Elias Baumgarten 355

Creating an Ethical Context for Globalization: Catholic Perspectives in an Interreligious Context
by John T. Pawlikowski 363

Common Ground and Common Skies: Natural Law and Ecological Responsibility
by William French 373

Celebrating Pluralism and Dialogue: Qur’anic Perspectives
by Asma Afsaruddin 389

Shared Values in Communal Life: Provisional Skepticism and the Prospect of a Global Ethic
by Scott R. Paeth 407

Whither Global Ethics? Moral Consciousness and Global Cultural Flows
by William Schweiker 425

A Global Ethic for the Global Village
by Ingrid H. Shafer 440

Volume 42, Number  (Fall, 2007)

Preface to This Issue
by Julia Sheetz-Willard 491

Contributors to This Issue 492

Introduction to Presentations from Oberlin II
by Ann K. Riggs 497 

The Legacy of This Place: Oberlin, Ohio
by Barbara Brown Zikmund 499

The Ecumenical Significance of Oberlin
by Donald W. Dayton 511

Orthodoxy, Postmodernity, and Ecumenism: The Difference that Divine-Human Communion Makes
by Aristotle Papanikolaou 527 

Is There a Home for the Bible in the Postmodern World?
by Jione Havea 547

Faith and Order in a Postmodern World: A Response
by Michael Root 560

Introduction to Presentations to the North American Academy of Ecumenists
by Joseph A. Loya 571

Forgiveness and the Healing of Memories: An Anabaptist-Mennonite Perspective
by John D. Roth 573

The Priority of Unity in the Mystery of the Church
by James Massa 589

Eating and Drinking Judgment: The Sacrament of Unity as a Sign and Source of Division
by Paul A. Schreck 608

The Complexities of Eucharistic Sharing in Homes for the Aged: A Study in Pastoral Ecumenism
by Sherri Vallee 619

Explorations and Responses:

A Response to William D. Rubinstein
by Raphael Medoff and Racelle W. Weiman 107

Response to Special Wyman Issue
by Stephen Solarz 109

Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue Seen through an Emancipatory Theory
by Gideon Goosen 280

Nexus: Religion in the Public University
by Stacy Keogh 286

Covenantal Pluralism and Saul of Tarsus: A Review Article
by Thomas A. Idinopulos 454

On the Divine Plan and the Human Role in Development of Religions: A Response to Tom Idinopulos
by Irving Greenberg 458

Book Reviews 110–113, 289–291, 469–477, 635–654

Books Of Interest 113–117

Ecumenical Events 118–121, 463–468

Ecumenical Resources 122–172, 292–331, 478–490