Journal of Ecumenical Studies
Contents of Volume 38 (2001)

Volume 38, Number 1 (Winter 2001)


"The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification": Soteriological and Ecclesiological Implications (2001 Annual Conference of the North American Academy of Ecumenists)

by Darlis J. Swan 1

The Joint Declaration: A Faith and Order Perspective
by Alan D. Falconer 5

Response to Alan D. Falconer's "The Joint Declaration: A Faith and Order Perspective"
by Lynne F. Lorenzen 17

The Lutheran-Roman Catholic Agreement on Justification: Its Ecumenical Significance and Scope from a Methodist Point of View
by Geoffrey Wainwright 20

Bumuntu: An African Response to the Lutheran-Roman Catholic Agreement on Justification
by Mutombo Nkulu-N'Sengha 43

The Lutheran-Roman Catholic Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification: Soteriological and Ecclesiological Implications from an Anglican Perspective
by William H. Petersen 50

Soteriological Issues in the 1999 Lutheran-Catholic Joint Declaration on Justification: An Orthodox Perspective
by Lucian Turcescu 64

Justification and Deification--Problematic Synthesis: A Response to Lucian Turcescu
by George Vandervelde 73

The Joint Declaration, Method, and the Hermeneutics of Ecumenical Consensus
by Catherine E. Clifford 79

Covenantal Concepts of Justice and Righteousness, and Catholic-Protestant Reconciliation: Theological Implications and Explorations
by Jason J. Ripley 95

Volume 38, Number 2-3 (Spring-Summer, 2001)

Presbyterians Pioneer the Vatican II Sunday Lectionary: Three Worship Models Converge
by Harry E. Winter 127

Religionless Christianity and Vulnerable Discipleship: The Interfaith Promise of Bonhoeffer's Theology
by David H. Jensen 151

Vatican II on Ecumenism and the Eastern Orthodox Church
by Vladimir Kharlamov 168

"Dialogue and Proclamation" a Decade Later: A Retreat?
by Mark Plaiss 189

The Prayer of the Holy Name in Eastern and Western Spiritual Traditions: A Theoretical, Cross-Cultural, and Intercultural Prayer Dialogue
by E. James Baesler 196

Newman and Luther on Justification
by Thomas L. Sheridan 217

Heschel and the Christians
by Michael A. Chester 246

The Disarming Word: Reading Scripture in the Boundary Zones
by Carol Schersten LaHurd 271

The Word of God: What Can Christians Learn from Muslim Attitudes toward the Qur'~n?
by Alfons Teipen 286

Jews and Christians in Germany: A New but Still Troubled Relationship
by Fredrick C. Holmgren 298

Jewish-Christian Relations and the Ethical Philosophy of Emmanuel Levinas: "At the Very Moment Where All Is Lost, Everything Is Possible"
by Glenn Morrison 316

Religious Pluralism: A Challenge for Muslims--A Theological Evaluation
by Mahmut Aydin 330

Resources for Jewish-Christian-Muslim Dialogue 353

Explorations and Responses: How We Chinese Should Relate to the Global Ethic
by Lihua Liu 379 

Volume 38, Number 4 (Fall, 2001) 

Dialogue Between Incommensurate Partners: Prospects for Common Testimony
by Walter Brueggemann 383

Toward a Theological Understanding of the Pentecostal Appeal to Experience
by Peter Althouse 399

"Dominus Iesus" and the Ecumenical Dialogue with Catholics
by Vincent P. Branick 412

Christology in the Reformed-orthodox Dialogue
by Steven C. Salaris 432

The Diaspora Church in Indonesia: Mangunwijaya on Nationalism, Humanism and Catholic Praxis
by Mujiburrahman 444

God the Father in Rabbinic Judaism and Christianity: Transformed Background or Common Ground?
by Alon Goshen-Gottstein 470

Book Reviews 109-117, 356-359,

Books Received 118-121, 359,

Ecumenical Events 360-364,

Ecumenical Resources 122-126, 365-